Wednesday, November 2, 2011

"Justification by Faith" vs. "The Spark for the Reformation; Indulgences"

The two of these religious points of view are very opposite of each other. 
Martin Luther lived on the brighter side of life he believed that by just believing in God, your sins will be forgiven/earning salvation. He said that God was a caring and loving person and that you don’t have to waste and destroy your own life to be forgiven for your sins. He had believed you do not have to serve the church to earn salvation. Justification by faith was believing in God, and for that being forgiven for sins, but not believing you will always be forgiven.“The offering of [the body] is called a spiritual sacrifice because it is freely sacrificed through the Spirit, the Christian being uninfluenced by the constraints of the Low or the fear of hell.” (The Complete Sermons of Martin Luther, vol. IV, "First Sunday after Epiphany," p. 10)

Then on the other hand we have the complete opposite, Johan Tetzel, the one who believed God was a negative person. God was a mean and harsh observer. He claims that you must be his slave to earn salvation. All humans are sins, therefore he thought that with any deed you do you will spend 7 years in purgatory. All these facts of this evil God people were scared so they accepted Tetzel’s offer; indulgences. They were too scared not to buy any. Tetzel states that this piece of paper releases you from a sin, because really you have no other chance of NOT spending 7 years of purgatory aside from buying a indulgent.
“As soon as the gold in the casket rings; the rescued soul to heaven springs”-Johan Tetzel (famous claim)

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