Wednesday, August 31, 2011

The Renessaince Man

The Renaissance was a time when everything bloomed, grew, and improved. So did some laws and ground rules. For example if you wanted to be a Renessaince man you had to reach some standard of high status.

The traditional Renaissance Man was seen to possess not only understanding of many topics, but a display of expertise in at least two or more of these areas. Science, literature, mathematics, grammar, cultural history and politics are a good place to start. Leonardo da Vinci, whom many consider to be the Renaissance Man, was known to have been a brilliant scientist, inventor, painter, and musician. He was also said to have maintained fitness throughout his life.A well-adjusted social life is perhaps the most important factor for a man to maintain his mental health and to become a Renaissance Man. Not to mention the fact that strong skills make a man an appealing candidate for both friendship and relationship. It is also a man’s responsibility as a citizen to make a significant contribution to his community throughout the course of his life, whether it be through time or money or both.

Histories Importance

History had lot's of ups and downs. It will never end. Like numbers history is infinite as well. Like James Joyce said "'History,' Stephen said, 'is a nightmare from which I am trying to awake.'" Sounds like he already knows history will never end. We make history everyday and we will always have to learn more. But why is history important to us?

One reason is simply because we need the record of the past events, cultures, ideas and places that once existed. Also historical timelines come as significance as well. They help tell us important dates, which may help us in some further research on some historical mysteries. We can all agree that our history isn't perfect nor will it ever be, but with imperfections that we've heard of, that happened a long time ago it help's us learn from our mistakes, then evaluate what was done wrong and what right and then improve on the life we're building upon. But its not only that we learn from our mistakes, but also successes, so we know what to keep and what works for us. It helps us know who our ancestors were and learn what our family history was like. It benefits in learning other people cultures and each other in the world, with understanding each other it can help with disagreements, promote peace, prevent prejudice, prevent ignorant, and bias.

Those are not the only reasons history is important. Sure people say forget about the past, you can never forget the past."If you do not like the past, change it."
William L. Burton

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Who do you think wrote Shakespeare's plays?

Shakespeare wrote Shakespeare's plays. Other authors might have strong answers against them but none of there "facts" are completely proven right, some information about William Shakespeare were approved correct. I am going to start with some proven facts and then some theories that make sense and match up in the conspiracy. 
First of all William Shakespeare was born April, 23 1564-1616. He didn't have such an amazing life, many like other famous genius authors we have in this world. One of his more famous plays "Hamlet", now the reason he wrote this play was because his son called Hamlet died at age 11. A death of a young child was mentioned, another contribution to this fact is that he used the word "Farewell", as if he was saying goodbye, or letting go of someone.
"Neither a borrower nor a lender be;
For loan oft loses both itself and friend,
And borrowing dulls the edge of husbandry.
This above all: to thine ownself be true,
And it must follow, as the night the day,
Thou canst not then be false to any man.
Farewell: my blessing season this in thee!"
--Lord Polonius, Hamlet Act I, Scene 3

Like every author William had to have a publisher, and the person that gathered, collected, and published most of his books was a man named Richard Field. He was asked that if they thought he wrote some certain plays/stories, he had approved, because he has been experienced with reading William Shakespeare work for years at the time, and he could recognize the handwriting every time a new book came out.
Another person that confirmed that Shakespeare was Shakespeare was Thomas Thorpe. Thomas Thorpe was not a historian but he has researched and consulted with thought to be Shakespearean ancestors and has found a couple of plays that were written for sure he was also able to notice that the handwriting was the same, because he read every one of his plays and did some more additional research.
Many of his plays were written to release his sorrow, like it was mentioned before Williams son died at a young age, which was described in a play named AFTER his son, Hamlet. Which may also result in him writing many plays about fatal deaths. For example, he had eight siblings, 2 of them died which maybe the reason he wrote plays with such deathly descriptions.
Another reason he might be so good at writing plays is because he had expireince in the erlier days as an actor. And it just so happen to be that he did act in some of his own plays while he had his job as an actor. That gave him some information on how to write plays. First he played in other plays (which taught him some things) and then his own. Not ONLY was he an actor but he also went to grammar school as a child that gave him some basic background information on how to write. The reason he went to grammar school is because his father thought he was a talent, and he didn't want to waste him (additional experience)
sure he only spent 2 years in grammar school but at the time, that was enough for a genius like him. And how doesn’t it come to peoples minds that he was just one of those complete born geniuses, like Mozart he self taught himself to play piano. We conclude our controversy with the fact that William Shakespeare did write the poems, sonnets, plays,stories etc.